Western Excelsior manufactures a wide variety Erosion Control Blankets (ECBs) to provide performance and longevity for a minimum of fifteen months and up to twenty-four months. Utilizing ultraviolet stabilized synthetic nets and matrices consisting of a straw and coconut blend or excelsior fibers, Western Excelsior's Extended Term ECBs provide a wide range of functionality. Extended Term ECBs are the workhorse products of erosion control, providing uniquely beneficial longevity for many growing conditions (i.e. typically degrading over two growing seasons if deployment is well timed) and offers extraordinary performance thresholds.

Extended Term ECBs are produced in single and double net varieties and offer the advantage of Western Excelsior's enhancement additives (tackifier or polymer). Excelsior matrix options may be died green for immediate aesthetic appeal. Additionally, fully biodegradable options are available for wildlife and eco-sensitive areas.

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Extended Term Erosion Control Products (15 to 24 Months)
Product Description Best Use* Compare
Excel CS-3 Double Net Coconut/Straw Blanket S/C
Excel CS-3 All Natural 100% Biodegradable, Double Net Coconut/Straw Blanket S/C (WF)
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